By bus
To Errachidia, Tinghir, Boumalne Dades, Ouarzazate and Marrakesh there is one daily Bus from Supratours company that pass all these destinations in one trip. Departures from Supratours main station near Erfoud's Kissaria at 9am and arrives to Ouarzazate around 1pm and to Marrakesh around 8pm. Ticket to Marrakech costs 175 Dirhams. This is the same bus that comes from Merzouga and Rissani in Erg Chebbi Dunes.
Grand Taxi to Errachidia
Grand Taxis to Errachidia make the fastest option to get out of Erfoud. 7 people sharing taxi.
Flight from Errachidia to Casablanca
1h20m Flight from Errachidia to Casablanca.
other destinations near erfoud
Erg Chebbi - Amazing orange colored dunes just 35km away from Erfoud
Rissani - Desert town with a museum, Alaouite King Mausoleum and impressive center market
Merzouga - Village on the edge of Erg Chebbi Dunes
Errachidia - Region's capital with airport and other main government facilities
Nkob - Village with 45 well preserved Kasbahs and surrounded by the Saghrou Mountains and Palm Groves
Ouarzazate - Called the capital of the south, Ouarzazate makes the transition from Oases to Sahara Desert